Shaun Sever started her legal nurse consulting business in 2016. She is part of SPLNC, a US veteran and nurse who went into nursing after she retired from the service. Starting in home care and medical-surgical roles, Shaun found nursing as an outlet to help people, which is her passion in life. Spending most of her nursing career in the ER, Shaun served both adults and children for over a decade.

Legal Nurse Consulting Business Entrepreneur Shaun Sever in Detroit, MI

After getting burnt out from the traditional hospital setting, Shaun now offers IVs, injections, and legal nurse consulting services that enable her to still practice nursing from the comfort of her home.

From dealing with workers’ comp cases, ER cases, personal injury, medical negligence and everything in-between, Shaun uses a network of contracted professionals to assist with her LNC services, which she’s found on social media. She also mentions that she’s never stopped marketing her services, so she can remain competitive in the LNC market.

Listen to the NursePreneur Podcast

Shaun tells the audience that persistence is key to making legal nurse consulting a full-time business. Even if you just have 2-3 attorneys working with you, you can create a successful LNC business with a steady workflow. To contact us for advice on starting your own practice, or if you would like to hire us for our services, contact us today.


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