When it comes to winning your legal case, it’s important to have an expert on your side who you can trust. Legal nurse consultants are trained professionals who can offer key medical expertise. Here’s what you need to know about how a legal nurse consultant can help you win your case:

What is a Legal Nurse Consultant?

Although attorneys are trained to thoroughly understand the law, there is a knowledge deficit when navigating complex medical records. This is where a legal nurse consultant comes in. Using their knowledge and expertise, legal nurse consultants can bridge the gap between attorneys and the complexities of the medical field.

What Does a Legal Nurse Consultant Do?

Legal nurse consultants typically serve many functions within their job role. Their expertise both in the medical field and as a legal consultant allows them to work in many capacities. Here are some of the job responsibilities of a legal nurse consultant that explain what does a legal nurse consultant do:

1. Review Medical Records

One of the main areas of expertise that legal nurse consultants provide is reviewing medical records. Years of medical training and understanding of medical records allow legal nurse consultants to provide valuable insight to attorneys that can help them better serve their clients. Legal nurse consultants are trained to catch important details in medical records that can make all the difference in winning a legal case.

Unfortunately, sometimes medical records have been tampered with. Legal nurse consultants can analyze medical records and identify possible instances of tampering or covering up mistakes that would make a medical provider liable. 

Act as a Fact Witness

Another benefit that legal nurse consultants provide is acting as fact witnesses in a court case. Legal nurse consultants can offer expertise and insights that can help expose the truth. Legal nurse consultants may also identify other helpful witnesses that can help win the case.

Analyze and Create Reports

Legal nurse consultants can use their medical expertise to review a case and create a comprehensive report explaining the extent of an illness or injury in a manner that is understandable and articulate enough for the jury to understand.

Screen Your Cases

While most attorneys would like to help everyone who contacts them, unfortunately, some cases are less likely to win than others. One of the benefits of working with a legal nurse consultant is that they can provide recommendations about whether or not a case has merit, helping you avoid taking on cases that aren’t likely to win and focus your time and efforts on those that are.

Work With a Legal Nurse Consultant Today

If you’re working on a medical case, you don’t have to handle the medical complexities on your own. Hiring a legal nurse consultant with the right expertise can make all the difference in your ability to make a strong case, identify malpractice, and win your legal battle. At SPLNC & Associates, we provide professional assistance with cases involving negligence, medical malpractice, personal injury, and toxic torts and environment. Reach out to us today to learn more about how can help you win your case.